Girard - 6 Years old
Poodle Stud
Stud Fee: $1,000
1,561 people have looked at this stud!
Girard is a stunning black and white parti Standard Poodle with a disposition as wonderful as his looks. He is clear of all breed-relevant genetic diseases through Embark, in addition to being both PennHip DI .37 and OFA certified for hips and elbows. Girard has also been tested through PawPrint for furnishings and he is F/F so he does not carry for weak furnishings. This is especially important for anyone breeding doodles. Girard is a very proven stud with consistently large litters regardless of whether it is a natural breeding or an AI. Shipped semen is also available. Color panel kbky ata Bb Ee spsp
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- icemank9: Nice looking stud dog, is he persistent?