Tank - 8 Years old
Poodle Stud
Stud Fee: $500
3,164 people have looked at this stud!
AKC Apricot Standard Poodle, 67lbs. Friendly, Loving, and Amazing Stud. Owner has many years of breeding experience.
- Keilanj: Would love to have your dog come help out girl Nala out we are in Mesa Az and expecting her to be in heat soon Please give us a call
- SchnoodleTucson: Looking to breed my Schnauzer with a golden doodle mid September I live in Tucson. My phone is . E-mail . Kay MacPherson
- Aateam: Could you contact me regarding breeding a goldendoodle?
- klengland: Hi, could you reach to me at or provide your contact info? Thanks
- ajbvivalv: interested in breeding my labradoodle with Tank. I live in Tucson. Angela.. I am looking for next week if possible.
- crosstie: Please contact me regarding a breeding to my golden doodle. Thank you