Martin’S Prince Waylon - 4 Years old

Goldendoodles Stud Stud Fee: $800

181 people have looked at this stud!

We are offering stud services for our goldendoodle stud, Martin’s Prince Waylon. Waylon is a 28 lb miniature goldendoodle. He has a gorgeous apricot wavy coat. He is a family pet. He is CKC registered. He has had all of his genetic health tests and coat traits tested through Paw Print Genetics-Ay/At, B/b, e/e, Kb/Ky, S/sp, F/F, cdpa clear. He has had the following OFA health tests completed hips-good, cardiac-normal, elbow-normal, and patellar-normal. He is a proven stud and has produced absolutely gorgeous doodles with wavy and curly coats. He also produces beautiful white markings with his parti gene. Females must come to our house or meet us at our vet for AI or SI. We will also ship semen at an additional cost. He is a great collector. Contact us for more questions and pictures of his past puppies.

Offered by: Tyler M. Indiana

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